Innovation, News & Announcements

AEI Sustainable Design Experts Recognized with ASHRAE Technology Award for Exemplary Decarbonization at CARB Headquarters

We are proud to announce that AEI Madison Principals Paul Erickson and Brett Friedman, as well as Sustainable Design Consultant David Conant Gilles, have been honored with the Exemplary Decarbonization Recognition as part of the 2025 ASHRAE Technology Awards Program. This honor celebrates their outstanding sustainable design work on the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Southern California Headquarters in Riverside, CA.

The ASHRAE Technology Awards highlight exceptional achievements in innovative building design that enhance occupant comfort, indoor air quality, and energy conservation. AEI’s design for the CARB Southern California Headquarters exemplifies these qualities with its forward-thinking, net-zero energy approach that meets the demanding energy requirements of a state-of-the-art research and testing facility.

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An all-electric laboratory. Image Credits to CONNIE ZHOU.

To achieve this, AEI integrated a combination of passive and active mechanical system strategies. Key design elements include:

  • Dual-temperature cooling, with most of the cooling provided by 57°F chilled water for air handling unit coils and terminal units.
  • Evaporative fluid coolers that generate compressorless chilled water for much of the year.
  • Adiabatic humidifiers paired with a heat recovery chiller to optimize energy use and reduce consumption.

The facility's all-electric, zero-carbon design surpasses California's Title 24 energy standards by 30% and reduces energy costs by 75%. An on-site photovoltaic array, coupled with a battery energy storage system, maximizes on-site renewable energy generation and consumption, further promoting grid harmonization.

Congratulations to Paul, Brett, David, and the entire AEI project team for this well-deserved recognition!

View award announcement

Explore CARB’s Southern California Headquarters

Aerial view of CARB headquarters and the photovoltaic panels. Image Credits to CONNIE ZHOU.